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Madhubani Paintings - The folk art of Bihar, India

Madhubani Paintings - The folk art of Bihar, India

Feb 11

Madhubani art, also known as Mithila painting, originated in the kingdom of Mithilanchal and is practiced in the Mithila region of Bihar state, India. Its roots trace back to the days of the Ramayana. Colored in freehand figures, this rich style of art depicts scenes from Hindu mythology, gods and goddesses, nature, and daily life. Originally, Mithila paintings were done on the walls of houses during festive events such as births, marriages, and religious ceremonies. When the agricultural economy of the Madhubani district dwindled due to a drought between 1966 and 1968, a representative from the All India-Nepal Handicrafts Board was sent to encourage women artists to transfer the art from the walls to paper and canvas for sale, ensuring a sustainable income.

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